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We are Presentation Design Agency

WOW investors or secure more sales with a killer pitch deck

See more results with a more refined pitch deck

Don't tell them.
Show them why your business is the right choice for investment

You've secured the pitch. So now it's time to secure a pitch deck that sizzles with excitement and solidifies your business as the #1 choice for their investment.

And you guessed it.. We're the team that will provide

a pitch deck to leave a lasting impression on your audience, ensuring your business stays in their minds and yields the results you deserve!


We help businesses like yours secure success with presentations that dazzle and drive results

For a business, every pound invested should yield substantial returns.  If it isn't, that money spent is eating away at your profits.

Explore our pricing options

Dive into our transparent pricing options and discover the perfect plan that aligns with your needs, ensuring a tailored and cost-effective solution for your requirements.

The Presentation Tune-Up

£600 + VAT

Need a short, punchy, and effective presentation?

1-10 World-Shattering Slides

Presenting Top Brands Since 2015

We have served clients from various industries, including fintech, SaaS, green energy, artificial intelligence, and more.

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You've got the big idea, and we have the pitch deck that will ensure its success

Every day, a world-changing idea goes unnoticed.

Why? Because, in most cases, people fail to present their ideas in a way that excites others (or, in this case, investors).


Bigger, Better Results

With one of our slick, refined pitch decks, you have a greater chance of securing an investment (and, in some cases, an even bigger investment than you expected).

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Clearer, More Engaging Messaging

Tell your story and explain your business in fewer, more engaging words. With our punchy messaging, your audience will be on the edge of their seats


Top-Notch Animations & Graphics

The best way to hold a person's attention is with visuals. Every graphic and animation we sprinkle into your pitch deck is cleverly designed to hook them in and keep them listening

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Want to add an extra pizzazz to your pitch deck?

As well as pitch decks, we also offer a collection of other result-driven services.

Fool-Proof Business Plans

Show them that you know exactly what you're doing, why you're doing it, and how you'll achieve the world-shattering results you promise.

Scrupulous White Papers

Give them the run-down of your business by refining complex information and data into an easy-to-understand white paper.

Game-Changing One-Pagers

Build excitement around your brand and explore the marketing power of a well-designed, engaging one-pager.

We're only a phone call away

Whether you know exactly what you're looking for, or you simply need some guidance, feel free to reach out.


We are happy to help.

But don't take our word for it. Here's what our clients say:

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Nadia Prisant

MD/Entrepreneur Medical Device/Sheba Hospital, Pathology department

We contracted with mdnLAB for our final pitch deck at the MassChallenge Israel last year and Lo and behold we won! Of course we credit Maria and mdnLAB with this win! Her production was flawless down to the last detail, her work ethic is impeccable and her expert eye was exactly what we needed. And she knows how to deal with stressed out founders under pressure…. At @IMMA we use her design for our website, one pager and will incorporate it into our newsletter. We strongly recommend Maria and her team for your projects!

Here's how it works in 6 simple steps

Book Your Free Discovery Call

In this 15-minute chat, we'll uncover all of the finest details and start planning our route to success

You'll Receive a Cost-Effective Proposal

After discussing the project, our team will jump to work and develop a proposal at a price that works for you

You'll Review the Proposal

You'll have the chance to ask some questions, refine your proposal, and move on to the next step (building your pitch deck!)

A Killer Pitch Deck Hits Your Desk

After 7 days, you'll receive a bespoke pitch deck cleverly designed to attract and secure investors

Arrive at the Pitch Feeling Cool & Confident

With a stellar pitch deck behind you, you'll feel waves of confidence flooding through your pitch, helping you to impress investors

Get Back to us With Your Results

Congratulations, you just nailed your pitch! Now it's time to get back in touch and let us know how it all went!

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